Epilepsy: Top 10 Inspirational Quotes

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RCM’s Top 10 Inspirational Quotes Related to Epilepsy

  • “I certainly don’t regret my experiences because without them, I couldn’t imagine who or where I would be today. Life is an amazing gift to those who have overcome great obstacles, and attitude is everything!” Sasha Azevedo
  • “A big seizure just kind of grabs the inside of your skull and squeezes. It feels as if it’s twisting and turning your brain all up and down and inside out. Have you ever heard a washing machine suddenly flip into that bang-bang-bang sound when it gets out of balance, or a chain saw when the chain breaks and gets caught up in the gears, or an animal like a cat, screeching in pain? Those are what seizures felt like when I was little.” Terry Trueman
  • “I run a race called Epilepsy. If I reach a hurdle, stumble and fall I pick myself up. dust myself off and keep running the race until epilepsy exisis no longer. God, please let this be a race that we all finish together” SagitarianRicky
  • “There’s nothing more debilitating about a disability than the way people treat you over it.” Solange nicole
  • “We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King
  • “There’s a part of the human brain, the temporal lobe, that is associated with religious experiences as well as with epilepsy.”  Ken MacLeod
  • “Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.” Storm Jameson
  • “Electricity is life but electricity is an invisible fist punching up your spine, knocking your brains right out of your skull.” Ray Robinson
  • “The ribbon is like a visual hug for someone with epilepsy”  Mary Loughling
  • “I want people with epilepsy to know that there are ways in which they can play a role in their own recovery. It’s all in how they approach what is happening and how they can use that as a catalyst for their own growth. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that people are willing to embrace you if you share your story.”  Danny Glover
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